What is the difference between X3 leveraged token and uniswap V3 LP?
In order to hedge against impermanent loss, X3 protocol decomposes uniswap V3 LP into a long leveraged token and a short leveraged token. Are they the same for X3 long token and X3 short token compared to tokenA and tokenB of uniswap V3? The answer is of course no. Although they all use the same underlying logic, there are some differences in the details:
Firtstly. the x3 long token and x3 short token exist independently, while tokenA and tokenB of uniswap V3 LP are not independent, and the following equations need to be satisfied:
Secondly. The price range of x3 long token and x3 short token is theoretically (0,∞), while the price range of uniswap V3 LP is (Pa,Pb).
Thirdly. The leverage of x3 long token and x3 short token is theoretically (0,∞), while the leverage range of uniswap V3 LP is
that is, the minimum leverage of V3 is limited at
however x3 leveraged token does not have above limitations. ∞ means the leveraged token is liquidated.
Therefore, the underlying technology of x3 leveraged token and uniswap V3 LP token is the same, but x3 long token and x3 short token have a wider scope of application, which can not only solve the problem of impermanent loss, but also provide some leveraged trading opportunities for traders in a full price range.
Official website: http://test.x3.finance/
Introduction Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1aI2hgy6rQ
Telegram: https://t.me/x3_finance